The Tenant Resource Center offers a range of written materials aimed at both tenants and landlords, many of which are currently under revision due to new legislation. While tenants and landlords are not limited to their categories, those are the materials more representative of their position within the laws.
Forms for Both Tenants and Landlords
- Check-In Form
- Check-Out Form
- Rent Payment Agreement
- Repair Request
- Security Deposit Payment Agreement
- Sublet Agreement
- Non-renewal of Month-to-Month Tenancy
- Termination of Tenancy by Mutual Agreement
Materials for Tenants
- Roommate Agreement
- Sample letter for breaking a lease
- Sample letter for a wrongfully withheld security deposit
- Sample letter for landlord references and submission with application
- How To Write a Letter, with a generic letter and a letter requesting repairs
Brochure Series for Tenants
- Apartment Safety in Madison*
- Attorney Referral List
- Bed Bug Fact Sheet
- Carpet Cleaning
- Credit Reports
- (Renting with a) Criminal Conviction or Arrest Record*
- Debt Collection
- Discrimination*
- End Lease/Subletting*
- Eviction*
- Fair Housing Laws
- Foreclosure Assistance for Tenants*
- Landlord Entry
- Landlord Retaliation
- Minimum Income Requirements (Madison only)*
- Moving Out of One Apartment & into Another (Madison only)*
- Pets & Service Animals*
- Preparing to Rent*
- Quick and Dirty Guide to Renting (Madison only)*
- Repairs in Madison & Fitchburg*
- Repairs in Wisconsin*
- Roommates & You*
- Security Deposits in Madison & Fitchburg*
- Security Deposits in Wisconsin*
*Indicates document is currently being revised. Please contact us at our main office or our campus office for current information or questions about your rights and responsibilities.