Program Grievance Policy and Procedure

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People who have received services from the Tenant Resource Center have the right to file a grievance about a decision made or an action taken by any Tenant Resource Center employee, volunteer, or intern.

Initial grievances must be presented to the Executive Director in one of the following ways:

  • By phone at (608) 257-0006 x0
  • By email at [email protected]
  • Or by mail to 2510 Winnebago St, Madison, WI 53704.

The written statement should include a brief statement of what happened, the date of the incident, the staff person(s) involved, and a list of witnesses (with contact information), if any. The written statement should also include an explanation of the requested remedy or response if applicable.

Other management may be included when responding to the grievance at the discretion of the Executive Director. Once the Executive Director has gathered relevant information about the incident, they will decide what, if any, action needs to be taken. The Executive Director will provide a written response to the grievance.

If the person who presented the initial grievance is unsatisfied with the response of the Executive Director, they may present their grievance to the Tenant Resource Center Board of Directors at [email protected]. The Board of Directors will review the grievance and the Executive Director's response at a meeting of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will provide a written response to the grievance. The decision of the Board of Directors is final.